Here is an abbreviated list of talks, articles, podcasts, and videos I’ve contributed to over the years. In addition to these, I also write a weekly API email newsletter, Net API Notes as well record the accompanying Patron-exclusive podcast. Better Bits is the newsletter to accompany the Better Bits Book.
- Video: S3, Ep 11 of The Livin’ On the Edge Podcast by Ambassador Labs: The State of the API Industry
- Video: API Futures Roundtable
- Article: #APIFutures Collaborative API Event (A behind-the-scenes summary on Net API Notes.)
- Podcast: Season 3 Highlights - APIs Unplugged
- Preso: Separating AI Fact from Fiction (CarMax/Edmunds DevOps Days 2023) (Transcript)
- Video: Deliberate Complexity Conference 2022 (Transcript)
- Ebook: The API Roadmap, compiled by
- Podcast: Exploring APIs and Complexity, Part 2 - API Resilience Podcast
- Podcast: Exploring APIs and Complexity, Part 1 - API Resilience Podcast
- Podcast: Complexity and Systems Thinking - APIs Unplugged
- Article: Exactly Who Works with APIs?
- Article: 5 Tips for a Game-Changing API Design Review
- Article: 8 Lies About APIs - APIs You Won’t Hate
- Article: Improving Governance with These Sharable OpenAPI Templates
- Podcast: State of the API 2021 - Coding Over Cocktails
- Podcast: The State of the API Address - APIs You Won’t Hate
- Article: 10 Trends Shaping the Industry in 2022 (
- Article: How to Improve an API Ecosystem with Mapping
- Video: Postman’s State of the API Report (with Erik Wilde)
- Video: “We Wrote an API Description; Now What?” (Transcript)
- Article: Three Essential Elements of Open Technology
- Article: Empathy and Community (
“We don’t have enough empathy, not just in API design or technology, but the world in general. You’ll see it again and again…stories where things have gone sideways because there wasn’t enough understanding, care, or consideration for a party on the other side of a transaction. With APIs, whether you’re in a small company or an enterprise, whether you’re a single developer or a product manager with multiple teams…having empathy and true connection is absolutely vital” - Matthew Reinbold
- Article: How to Maximize Your API Strategy (
- Video: API Intersection Podcast Episode 01
- Video: Introducing GraphQL in Large Organizations: Is API Governance Creating Monocultures? (with Erik Wilde)
- Video: API Storytelling with Matthew Reinbold (More on technical storytelling.)
- Podcast: What I Learned From Deploying Thousands of APIs - Coding Over Cocktails
- Video: “APIs Are Arrangements of Power. Now What?” (Transcript)
- Video: “Why AI Success is API Built” (Transcript)
- Preso: “API Governance for IT Culture Change” (API World Mainstage)
- Video: Capital One DevExchange, Kin Lane, and the Future of APIs
- Article: “The Right Communications Platform for Your API Platform”
- Preso: “Three Ways Conways Law Affects API Governance” (API Strategy Conference)
- Article: APIs and Lego, Interview with API2Cart