
Over time, I've had the good fortune of being able to support a number of worthwhile organizations. If you are in a position to give, please consider joining me in ensure those doing good can continue their work.

Technology Activism, Journalism, and Creative Writing

In the past, I’ve also donated to the The Long Now Foundation. I also support a number of independent creators through Patreon. That list includes Pi-Hole Advertisement Blocking, the code-based music creation tool, Sonic Pi, the always edcucational engineering of Voidstar Labs, and Sam Battle, the musical inventor, educator, and museum curator known as Look Mum No Computer, among others.

Climate Action

Previously, I’ve also supported Ecologi (formerly Offset Earth). I wrote about my initial impressions of each of these services several years ago.

Community Growth and Healing

In 2020, I also supported 'The Great Slate' of candidates through a donation to ActBlue. At the end of 2021, I made a one time donation to Doctors Without Borders. I also gave to the House for All Sinners and Saints, a Denver-based ELCA congregation, for many years.